Premium: PMP PDU Maintenance 60 PDU’s

Premium: PMP PDU Maintenance 60 PDU’s


🌟 Buy Confidently: 8000+ PMP Pros Instantly Acquire 60 PDUs from GlobalSkillup, Approvals by PMI

  • Simple, One-Go Process for 60 PDUs
  • Swift PDU Delivery in a Single Day
  • Full Assistance until Certification Renewal
  • Gain Knowledge Alongside PDUs
  • Cost-Effective Self-to-Do Format
  • Instant Study Material Download
  • Secure Payments: Credit/Debit Cards, AMEX, UPI, Mobile Wallets, Netbanking
  • USD Payments via Paypal for International Cards


🌟 Introducing GlobalSkillup PMP Certification Renewal with 60 PDU’s! 🌟

Are you a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) looking to renew your certification and stay ahead in the competitive field of project management? Look no further! GlobalSkillup brings you the ultimate solution to renew your PMP certification in a confident and efficient manner. Here are the compelling reasons why you should definitely take up our program:

✅ Extensive PDU Coverage: Our program offers an impressive 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs), ensuring you meet the rigorous renewal requirements set by the Project Management Institute (PMI). You can fulfill your PDU requirements conveniently, without the need for additional courses or multiple providers.

✅ Tailored Learning Experience: We understand that your time is valuable, so we have curated a comprehensive yet focused curriculum that targets the key knowledge areas required for PMP certification renewal. Our expert instructors will guide you through the latest industry trends, best practices, and advanced project management techniques, ensuring you gain valuable insights to excel in your profession.

✅ Flexibility and Convenience: With GlobalSkillup, you have the freedom to learn at your own pace and schedule. Our online platform allows you to access the course materials anytime, anywhere, and from any device. Whether you prefer to study during lunch breaks, evenings, or weekends, our program fits seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

✅ Interactive and Engaging Content: Say goodbye to boring and monotonous learning experiences! Our PMP certification renewal program incorporates interactive elements such as quizzes, case studies, and real-world scenarios. Engage with fellow professionals in our collaborative forums, share experiences, and learn from each other’s perspectives. We believe in active learning that keeps you motivated and ensures knowledge retention.

✅ Expert Support and Guidance: Our team of experienced project management professionals is dedicated to your success. We provide personalized support throughout your learning journey, addressing any questions or concerns you may have. From clarifying concepts to offering exam tips, we are committed to helping you renew your PMP certification with confidence.

In conclusion, GlobalSkillup PMP Certification Renewal with 60 PDU’s is the ideal program to renew your PMP certification in a confident and efficient manner. With extensive PDU coverage, a tailored learning experience, flexibility, interactive content, and expert support, we ensure that you are well-prepared to meet the renewal requirements and stay at the top of your game in the field of project management. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your professional skills and maintain your PMP certification! Enroll in GlobalSkillup today and unlock new career opportunities.

🌟 Discover the Path to Maintaining Your PMP Certification with GlobalSkillup! 🌟

Maintaining your PMP certification and acquiring the necessary Professional Development Units (PDUs) has never been easier! At GlobalSkillup, we have revolutionized the process, providing you with a confident and exuberant solution to effortlessly maintain your 60 PDUs for the next 3 years. Here’s how you can achieve it:

1️⃣ Seamless Enrollment: Take the first step towards maintaining your PMP certification by enrolling in our PMP PDU Maintenance Program online. With a simple registration process and convenient payment options, you’ll be on your way to success in no time.

2️⃣ Energizing E-Training: We will provide you with a dynamic online e-training material, meticulously designed to cover the required content within just 5 working days. Our comprehensive material ensures that you receive the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your professional journey.

3️⃣ Empowering Assessment: Once you’ve completed the e-training, inform us, and we’ll promptly issue you an invigorating online assessment comprising 10 carefully crafted questions. All you need to do is answer at least 6 questions correctly to showcase your proficiency and dedication.

4️⃣ Elevated Certification: Upon evaluation, GlobalSkillup proudly presents you with a stunning 60 PDU’s certificate, a testament to your commitment to professional growth. Simply copy the details from your GlobalSkillup Certificate to your PMI profile, effortlessly renewing your PMP certification for another triumphant 3-year cycle.

At GlobalSkillup, we understand the importance of staying relevant and up to date in the ever-evolving field of project management. That’s why all our PDU training materials align perfectly with the PMI Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program. We ensure that our content is not only informative but also engaging, providing you with the most relevant knowledge to thrive in your career.

We believe in simplicity, effectiveness, and cost-consciousness when it comes to acquiring PDUs. That’s why GlobalSkillup offers you a plethora of hassle-free options to acquire PDUs quickly. From attending our exceptional education courses in-person or online to exploring a variety of activities provided by both PMI and third-party providers, you’ll find the perfect avenue for your professional development.

Unlock the full potential of your PMP certification and embark on a journey of continuous growth and success. Join the ranks of countless professionals who have chosen GlobalSkillup as their trusted partner in maintaining their PMP certification. Take charge of your future today and experience the confidence and exuberance that comes with being a part of GlobalSkillup. Enroll now and witness the transformation in your professional life!

PDUs inline to PMI Talent Triangle

PDU Professional Development Units for Continuing Certification Requirements(CCR) towards PMI Credentials by Globalskillup.

PMI certified professionals are required to maintain PDU(Professional Development Unit) to continue their PMI PDU Credential Maintenance & renewals. Globalskillup offers multiple methods of learning to avail such PDU’s in line with the PMI Talent Triangle.

Understand PMI Talent Triangle

It emphasizes on 3 aspects of professional development. Such as Technical, Leadership, and Strategic & Business Management expertise. See the diagram for ease of understanding. PDUs can be earned in either of the mentioned categories.

PMI Mandates 3 Years Renewal Cycle for these Credentials

PgMP 60 PDUs
PfMP 60 PDUs

PMP PDU Maintenance Program with 60 PDU’s aims to PMP CCR (Continuing Certification Requirements) specified by PMI(Project Management Institute).

PDU Categories

PDU Categories

What qualifies as 35 hours of PMP training?2023-02-28T08:53:49+05:30

To qualify as 35 hours of PMP training, a course or program must cover project management topics and be in line to the Project Management Institute (PMI) Exam Content Outline (PMI PMP ECO). All GlobalSkillup courses are designed in such manner to accomplish this in a seamless, practically understood, learning pedagogy.

How do I get 35 hours PMP?2023-02-28T08:51:59+05:30

You can get 35 hours PMP by completing a GlobalSkillup training course or program, which can be in-person or online. Join us, we have the best in class learning based on practical Project case study than simply theory. Making in easier for novice as well as veteran professionals to digest the concepts easily of the entire PMP curriculum.

How can I earn 35 hours in PMP?2023-02-28T08:49:58+05:30

You can earn 35 hours in PMP by completing a training course or program that is offered by GlobalSkillup. This can be online, in person or in private coaching format. At GlobalSkillup, we offer in all formats for convenience of our professional students.

How do I claim PDU?2023-02-28T08:48:09+05:30

You can claim PDUs by submitting evidence of the professional development activity you completed, such as a certificate of completion or a signed letter from a supervisor or instructor. At GlobalSkillup, we issue the certificates which are accepted by PMI upon completion of 60 PDU package course.

Does PMP expire?2023-02-28T08:47:11+05:30

Yes, PMP certification expires after three years, and it must be renewed by earning 60 PDUs within that time period.

How many PDU is a course?2023-02-28T08:46:48+05:30

The number of PDUs earned for a course varies depending on the duration and content of the course, but generally, a 1-hour course would earn 1 PDU. To renew certifications of PMI, one needs to earn sufficient PDU’s as stipulated by PMI.

How can PMP renew 60 PDU for free?2023-02-28T08:45:58+05:30

PMPs can renew 60 PDUs for free by participating in volunteer work, attending free webinars or seminars, creating content, or by contributing to the development of PMP-related materials. However, remember, the free is equal to your time, effort spent. So in case you are not willing to spend that time and effort much, take our 60 PDU’s bundle, this can be easy, quick, online and convenient to Renew PMP, however, it will be not so Free!

How do I get PDU fast?2023-02-28T08:44:28+05:30

You can earn PDUs faster by completing activities with higher PDU values, such as giving presentations or writing articles, or by participating in online courses such as GlobalSkillup 60 PDU package bundle. You may get them as early as possible. Talk to us.

How is PDU calculated?2023-02-28T08:43:36+05:30

PDUs are calculated based on the type and duration of professional development activities completed. For example, attending a 1-hour training course would earn 1 PDU.

What is the Fullform of PDU?2023-02-28T08:43:13+05:30

PDU stands for Professional Development Units. Different PMI Credentials need different set of PDUs to renew every renewal cycle of 3 years.

Does 1 PDU equal 1 hour?2023-02-28T08:42:01+05:30

Yes, 1 PDU equals 1 hour of professional development activity. It is considered valid for 60 PDU’s claim towards PMI Credential renewal. It can be availed from

Do you need 35 or 60 PDUs for PMP?2023-02-28T08:40:57+05:30

You need 60 PDUs to maintain PMP certification, but you need to earn 35 PDUs to meet the eligibility requirements for the PMP exam.

How to earn 60 PDUs for free?2023-02-28T08:40:33+05:30

You can earn 60 PDUs for free by participating in free webinars, volunteering, creating content, or attending events that offer free PDUs. Checkout courses at also..

How to get 60 PDU?2023-02-28T08:39:45+05:30

You can get 60 PDUs by completing professional development activities such as attending training courses, giving presentations, writing articles, or volunteering in a related field.

What does 60 PDUs mean?2023-02-28T08:37:10+05:30

PDUs stands for Professional Development Units, and 60 PDUs is the number of hours of professional development activities required to maintain PMP certification.

Who are the PMI® REP’s registered education providers?2018-05-09T16:14:09+05:30

Many training providers get registered with PMI® also known as PMI® REP’s, to gain visibility to provide trainings across Project Management including PMP® and other PMI® credentials.

However, a common myth among the training participants/PMP® aspirants is that for PMP® training, they would need to register with PMI® REP’s only. This is not true.  Any training provider, who can vouch to provide valid training on Project Management subject can provide the PMP® training and also offer the required 35 contact hours of formal training certificate to meet the PMP® eligibility.

What are PMI PDU or PMI PDU’s? Are PDU different than PMI Contact Hours?2018-05-09T15:55:18+05:30

PDU is an abbreviation of Professional Development Unit.

1 Hour of learning/training is considered as 1 Contact Hour by PMI and is provided by the Training Providers. To be able to go for PMP Exam, one would need 35 Contact Hours.

Yes, PDU are little different than contact hours as considered by PMI. Before exam is Contact Hours, after exam is called PDU.

Every PMI credential holder is supposed to maintain the credential by constantly upgrading themselves by relearning/retraining on relevant Management topics in defined time frame by PMI. Every 1 hour spent on upgrading is referred to as PDU by PMI. To be able to maintain PMI credentials, one has to acquire relevant amount of PDU’s. For example, PMP credential will require you to maintain 60 PDUs in 3 years time frame after passing the exam.

What is PMP renewal or recertification process? 2018-05-09T15:44:48+05:30

For the already passed PMP® professional, it is expected to accrue 60 PDU’s over next 3 years from the date of passing the PMP® exam. Once accrued, the PMP® holder is supposed to submit their evidences of 60 PDU’s to the PMI® before the 3 year term expires along with the renewal or recertification fee. In case of no submit, the PMP® status is lost and there on wards if the person wants to be a PMP® again, one has to go through the entire PMP® certification process. This entire episode is considered as PMP® re-certification process.

Incase the certificate issued comes under PMI audit, will the certificate issued by GlobalSkillup considered?2018-05-09T14:39:10+05:30

Yes, the certificates by GlobalSkillup will be considered. There are no issues, even if PMI audit happens. We have been issuing and helping our credential holders since 2013 with certificates & PMI PDUs perfectly acceptable.

What benefits do I get as an Individual Member of PMI?2018-05-09T14:36:41+05:30

Few of the PMI Benefits Include:

  • Complimentary digital copies of all PMI global standards including A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)
  • Networking, mentoring and volunteering opportunities via PMI chapters and Communities of Practice
  • 24/7 exclusive access to project management knowledge and information on,, and
  • Access to unabridged project management and business books via eReads and Reference
  • Money-saving discounts on certification exams and foundational online courses. PMP Exam cost is only USD 405 instead of USD 555.
How do I become a PMI Member?2018-05-09T14:35:10+05:30

Join as PMI member by visiting PMI website here. Click Add to Cart. Then check out. Membership will cost USD 139. Upon check out, you will be asked to become a local chapter member. Search for your local city name and add the local chapter(will vary for city to city USD 2 to USD12) into shopping cart. Click Check out, fill all the details and make the payment using credit card.

Is your institution registered with PMI as REP? Are PDUs valid?2018-05-09T14:25:10+05:30

PDUs can be issued by any institute, as such. There is no limitation as such as per PMI itself. In between there is no difference for PDUs issued by REP/Non REP. PDU’s offered by GlobalSkillup are perfectly accepted by PMI on submission.


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