How do I get those 60 PMI PDUs in 2023 for PMP renewal? by GlobalSkillup


How do I get those 60 PMI PDUs in 2023 for PMP renewal?
As a PMP, you are required to earn 60 professional development units (PDUs) in order to renew your certification every three years. There are a number of ways you can earn PDUs, including through coursework, attending conferences and workshops, authoring or presenting on a project management topic, or volunteering in a project management-related capacity.

One option you might consider is completing an online course or program that has been approved by the Project Management Institute (PMI) for PDU credit. These courses are available through a variety of providers, including universities, professional training organizations, and PMI itself. You can search for approved courses on the PMI website or through the PMI Global Registry of Approved Providers.

You can also earn PDUs by attending live or virtual conferences, workshops, or seminars that have been approved by PMI for PDU credit. Many professional associations and organizations offer these types of events, and you can often find a list of upcoming events on their websites or through online event directories.

Finally, you can earn PDUs by participating in volunteer activities that align with the PMI Talent Triangle, which consists of technical, leadership, and strategic and business management skills. Examples of activities that may be eligible for PDU credit include serving as a mentor to other project management professionals, leading a project management-related community service project, or presenting on a project management topic at a professional conference or workshop.

Keep in mind that you are required to report your PDU activities to PMI within 90 days of completing them, and you will need to provide documentation to support your claim of PDU credit. For more information about the PDU requirements for PMP certification renewal, you can refer to the PMI Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) Handbook, which is available on the PMI website.

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