Free PDU’s for PMI Certification Renewal.
Get Free PDU’s for PMP Certification Renewal. Volunteer and get PDU’s. Join at GlobalSkillup. Call +91 99018 54125
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Here are the details below.
Format of the Activity:
Eligibility for Participation:
Valid PMP Credential Holders only.
PDU’s will be awarded after receiving the Valid PMP Certificate of Volunteer.
Timeline for Activity Completion(whichever is earlier):
Before 31st December 2022 or 10 Days from the day of receiving the email
Activity itself in detail:
Draft Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ’s) in Agile Context inline to PMP Examination.
Each question needs to be an Agile Project situation with a maximum of 4 choices.
Only 1 right choice must be provided, while the other 3 wrong choices deceive the question reader.
Valid explanation on why a particular choice is right or wrong needs to be written.
These MCQ’s will be checked for plagiarism and they need to be original writeup by the author.
Once the questions are submitted to us, they will be the sole proprietary use of us and the author has no further claim on the same.
The Author will be acknowledged where possible though in the context, and will be awarded PDU’s.
Award of PDU’s:
For every 10 questions drafted and considered valid, you will earn 1 PDU.
Min of 1 PDU will be awarded. Max 15 PDUs can be awarded accordingly.
Reference Material to draft examination questions for Agile:
1. PMI AGILE Handbook from PMI
In case you are still a PMI Member, you can download and use the PMI Agile Handbook from PMI.
2. GlobalSkillup Agile Content can be used from the link below:
3. Sample Exam MCQ for reference. All drafted MCQ’s need to be in similar fashion on various Agile topics.
We are deliberating to assign Ram, our marketing department head, to the role of Product Owner; but we are not sure about that. Ram has recently joined MYCOMP and he is not an expert in software development. Should we choose another person instead?
A. Yes, we need an expert on our specialist work, capable of communicating with customer
B. Yes, we need an expert on our specialist work, who is part of the Team
C. No, he doesn’t need to be an expert on our specialist work, given that he gets expert help when needed
D. No, he doesn’t need to be an expert on our specialist work, he just needs to be business oriented
Correct Answer: D
Explanation: Product Owner is to be mainly business-oriented person, which Ram is already. They do not need to be technical; the Sprint Team handles all the technical aspects of the project.
All such drafted Questions can be drafted in Notepad and sent in ONE SINGLE Notepad format only.
See the attachment for a sample. Do check the grammar and formatting before submission.
Missing grammar checks and formatting will be ineligible submissions.
Should there be any further doubts/clarification, drop in an email to